Saturday, March 27, 2010

What an amazing presentation

On Friday we revealed our "pixel pics" We have worked hard on every pixel. Taana and Grace learnt many new skills in making the presentation and showed off our work beautifully. Here is just one example! Thanks to Mr B and Network Nine for the original idea! Let's show more next week.

Creative Home Learning

We really enjoyed sharing some of our creative home learning on Thursday and Friday. We have decided that displaying some of these in the cloak bay between Savvy 7 and Room 8 to help us all think of fun ways to learn.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What do you think is happening here? Leave a comment

Learning By Playing

We love the games that we find in many different places. This is one that was on Network 9's Blog. Have a go. Is there any savvy game player out there that would like to be the " game of the week" master?? Let me know!

Wonderful Tasting Home Learning

We saw the proof this morning. Look at this beautiful Lemon Meringue Pie that was devoured at morning tea time. Awesome work. I'm sure your skills will be in big demand at home.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Invitation

We need you!
are you:
keen to come into Savvy 7 and help us
keen to see how clever we are in savvy 7 at www (working with words)
able to help us collect some important data accurately
able to commit an hour or so to help us
able to come on Wednesday or Thrusday of the last week of term at some stage of the day

We need some parents to help test us on our end of term www!

We not only get tested on spelling but also meaning. Some of us even have to suggest variations of the word. We will be tested on only 20 of our words from the term. We will need to spell the word, give a meaning and for some tell how else the word can be changed to fit into different sentence.

Savvy 7 will be using the results of this to see if we have achieved our goals and to help set next terms goals.

If you are able to help either leave a comment below or contact Mrs Campbell directly at

We would love as many parents as possible to make the job quicker!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What a morning at the Western Zone Swimming Competition

Here are a few clips of some outstanding effort from this morning.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WELCOME new followers!

Savvy 7 can you spot our new followers?
What do you think they want to see on our blog? Maybe they might leave us a message to tell us. Remember to look on the right hand side at recent comments to see what people have been saying.

So what do we really NEED and WANT?

Today we added to our T chart of needs and wants. We played a game then came back to our T chart! The T chart became a Y chart because there were more things to consider. Try the game at home with your family and see what they think.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fun all day long!

Great to SEE those managing self traits coming out when you were having so much fun. Looking forward to reading your wonderful recounts tomorrow of a great time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mrs C's Home Learning

Tonight I have learnt something new that I think you will find useful.

I have found that Spelling City has got much for to offer that we have been using. The main reason I think Spelling City is an outstanding way to learn about your words is because you can tell it exactly what words you want to work with. Angus showed me a few things today so this has encouraged me to follow my nose and find more. So I have.....
1. Created myself an account so I can make personalised lists and make them grow as the term goes on.
2. Found a lot more games that will extend language.
3. Had lots of fun trying out the new games.

Click on the image above! Try this out and leave a comment to share with others what you thought.

Learning how to create Forms to find out information

Today some people started learning how to create forms. Help us by filling some of these out. Click on the links below.
Jess Carter's Form

There are more to come! Watch this space!

Vistors from Dubai

We have a vistor from Dubai . They are Daniel's cousins! I think Flossy (age10) is interested in our blog . I also Think Daniel's Grandparents visted Savvy7. Leave a comment and say hi to Daniel's cousins (if they come on). By Daniel

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A new game to work on past tense words

We have been writing recounts and are getting good at spotting past tense words. Test your skills to an even higher level by playing this game. Click on the image. Leave a comment to tell others what you thought and how you went.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What do you think of this

Hey Savvy 7!

I often read other classes blogs to see what happens around the country. I have seen some interesting home learning photos.

Check out Motoroa's blog and look at the photos of homework.

Leave a comment to explain what you think.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Working together to do no Home work, just learning

Well done guys, really cool learning ideas this week for Home Learning. Help us by sharing your great ideas for learning. Fill in the form and help design your future home learning activities.
click here to

Reading is cool!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What's on our blog?

Above is a wordle I created by just dropping the address of our blog into it. Why do you think some words area bigger than others? Can you spot anything that seems odd? Leave a comment. Click on the image if you would like to see it bigger.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How is the Home Learning going?

Click on the image!
This week is a little regarding Home learning! Parents you may have noticed that the tasks this week are created by your own child. Isn't it interesting to see what they choose from. I have had a few photos sent in showing some children doing the tasks that they chose. Would love some feedback from parents about this. Kids how does it feel? Are you learning new things and enjoying it? Leave a comment on the wall wisher so we can all see!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Learn something everyday!

Check out this site and learn something new everyday!  Leave a comment about what you think about this site.  I wonder why it was made and where they get their information from?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Our Art Challenge

Check out a few pictures (kindly taken by this weeks photo journalists) of our new art.  We are looking at how pixels make up different tones.  These mosaic style portraits will be a labour of love and will take some careful colour choices to make them look realistic!  We will show them off when they are complete.